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Growing a beard is one of the most sought after things among men. Not only does it make you look more mature, but it also adds a level of sophistication to your look. Unfortunately, growing a thicker and longer beard can be difficult for some men. To help with this issue, we will discuss what it takes to increase beard growth naturally so that you can have the facial hair you want in no time. We will cover topics such as hair care products, diet and lifestyle changes, and other tips to ensure that your facial hair grows fast and healthy. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to grow the perfect beard with ease!

Facial hair growth usually happens around puberty for most men. The process is different for everyone, so while some may grow just a mustache at first, others have a fully grown beard by their early 20’s. Here are some factors that directly corelate to beard growth:


Androgens are a group is hormones responsible for all of the masculine changes that occur in men. They dictate many aspects, from deep voice to facial hair. This means that if your grandfather or father have full beards, chances are you will too.


If you are in your mid-twenties then you might have to wait a bit to get a full beard, as they mostly grow in during their thirties. If you are still in your twenties but no full beard there’s no need to feel hopeless, we have the solution for you.


Your hormones control many aspects of our bodies. For this reason, a full beard might be hard to come by if you have clinically low levels of testosterone.

Proven Beard Growth Tips

If you want a fuller beard, then try these daily routine tips might help:

  • Eating healthier
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Healthy skin & hygiene

Tried these but still no luck? Keep scrolling:

Stimulate Hair Growth with JUST4HIM Products

Need some help in achieving that full, thick beard look that’s is so popular today? Look no further than our own products, specifically designed to promote health beard growth:

  1. JUST4HIM Beard Hair Growth Serum

2. Essential Oil Blend Growth Serum

So there you have it, our own personal tips for growing a fuller, thicker, healthier beard in no time. Make sure to check back often for more JUST4HIM Beard Growth & Grooming tips.